Google My Business Cover Photo Size & Examples (2022 Guide)
Google my business cover photos are shown prominently in Google Search, and are often the first images users see upon viewing your listing. Ensuring that your Google My Business photos are optimized can have a positive impact on visibility and rankings in search.
Follow this Google My Business cover photo guide and examples for proper sizing and listing optimization:
Cover Photo Size
The recommended Google My Business cover photo size is 1024 x 575 pixels with a 16:9 aspect ratio. Following this dimension and aspect ratio allows the image to display properly in Google Search and Google Maps.
In some cases, you may want to try the following dimensions:
- 854 x 480 pixels
- 960 x 540 pixels
- 1280 x 720 pixels
- 1366 x 768 pixels
Depending on your image, a dimension listed above may work better than the recommended image dimension.
Pro Tip: It’s also important to upload and properly size your Google My Business logo for 100% profile completion.
Additional Photo Requirements
In addition to optimizing the cover photo size, there are some other requirements defined by Google.
- Format: JPG or PNG file type.
- Size: Between 10 KB and 5 MB.
- Recommended resolution: 720 x 720 pixels.
- Minimum resolution: 250 x 250 pixels.
- Quality: The photo should be in focus with appropriate lighting, and not contain excessive edits or use of filters.
Following these guidelines increases the likelihood that Google selects the image you’ve uploaded to display at the cover photo, and prevents the photo from being subject to removal due to not following Google’s Guidelines for photos.